Google+ Geocaching - A fantastic hobby: This soldier saved lives in Iraq because of his geocaching hobby!!

This soldier saved lives in Iraq because of his geocaching hobby!!

Sgt. Kent "Doc" Byrd, an Army explosive ordnance disposal expert was in Iraq where helped save the lives of several soldiers.

As he was moving his robot over a pile of rocks, one rock caught his attention. Something didn't seem right about it. Just as his team leader was about to declare the area safe, Sgt. Byrd said he wanted to flip the rock over before anyone got out of the truck.
As the rock was flipped over, they could see a portion of mortar, embedded in plaster to make it look like a rock!

Sgt. Byrd’s keen eye probably saved several lives that fateful day.
Where did he develop such a keen eye and attention to detail? Geocaching he says. He’s been an avid geocacher for several years now. 
"Seeing the things that are meant to be unseen," he says. "Geocaching - that's pretty much what the game is based on - is finding stuff, finding stuff that you know the average person is not going to see as they walk by it on a daily basis."

Here’s a Youtube video featuring Sgt. Byrd:

Sgt. Byrd is known as JrByrdMan162 in the geocaching world. He also had a travel bug tattoo on his left leg, has his own page and is a trackable.

Here's saluting a real hero... and of course, his geocaching skills!

Source: Komonews

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